Monday 6 December 2010

Forward Planning

If you haven't gathered it by now, I am mildly OCD. I like to be in control of everything around me. This means that I have already put in place my work schedule for next term, construction of my collection. I have planned for 12 pieces, so when I get my feedback next Wednesday I will know how many I am allowed to make. As is usual for me I am champing at the bit to start, so, I am starting with some crochet and knitwear pieces as they take the longest to produce.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Colours and Cut

The colour palette has been taken from antique Japanese prints,
warm earth tones, soft greens/ indigo and maroons.

I am concentrating on the cut and tailoring,
as I would like to take the theme forward into next year.
My plan is to produce a plus size collection next year
and that will require careful cutting and finishing.

Year 2

I have been sketching like a fiend and got lots of ideas for my year 2 collection.
Now I will refine the ideas and make sure my research is all in order.
 I will be playing with fitting and frilly.

1950's tailoring, masculine and strong,
enhanced with crochet and knitwear.